Project VOYCE

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Outspoken Heart

Another successful round of programming is coming to a close. This year’s Your VOYCE cohort was facilitated by Tiya Trent and Shaniyah Sullivan. Two brilliant individuals who have brought their incredible energy and talents in order to help youth develop their leadership skills. While remote programming has had its challenges, there were many memorable moments that the facilitators would like to share. 

“My favorite moment of this year has been having a space to speak about events that are taking place all over the world and how it has affected our youth and their response to it. It has been a struggle this past year doing virtual programming, but to know that youth feel safe and brave enough to speak their truth and be vulnerable has given me the strength to show up and be just as vulnerable as them. “ - Tiya Trent 

“My favorite moment of this year's programming has been being able to see each participant step outside of their shells and really learning new things about them. It was also very fascinating to learn that they all have a desire to own their own businesses. It makes me proud that they are open to sharing their vulnerability side with us.” - Shaniyah Sullivan 

In developing their leadership skills, the youth have created presentations and workshops on issues that they care about. Join us May 27th, 2021from 4-6 PM MST virtually for the “Outspoken Heart!” to engage in meaningful conversations with PV community! Tickets can be purchased at 

“Folks should tune in to see Outspoken Heart because this group of young folks is passionate about the topics that they are bringing to you all and they have so much talent!! A part of my background is in theater and to see these students show off their artistic side is given me new life.” - Tiya Trent 

“Everyone should be tuning in to Outspoken Heart because the youth have a lot of talent and passion to bring to the community. It's a moment with powerful youth that no one wants to miss.” - Shaniyah Sullivan 

See You There!