COVID-19 Health Procedures

Learn more about what we at Project VOYCE are doing to protect our participants and staff during our Summer Academy


Our participants and staff agree to the following:

  • Do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19, by complying with a mandatory Health Check-In for each day, we report to any Project VOYCE programming. Health Check-Ins will take place outside the PV location and we will not be allowed inside until passing the screening. We understand that our temperature will be recorded and that we will be asked questions about COVID19 symptoms. We agree to return home if our health screening shows inadequate results (e.g. a temperature about 100.4° F or the answer “yes” to any questions about symptoms). 

  • Stay home if we show any symptoms of any sickness. The stipend we have been offered for the summer is protected. Remote work expectations may be assigned, if appropriate. Violation of COVID-19 Safety Protocols could result in the removal of all stipends.

  • Always respect six feet of social distance between us, our peers, and PV staff. We will refrain from making any physical contact with others while at Project VOYCE programming (e.g., no hugging, high-fiving, poking, etc.).

  • Wear a facemask at all times while at Project VOYCE programming. We are expected to provide our own mask and we will communicate with PV staff if we are unable to do so.

  • Practice safe hygiene: consistently using hand sanitizer, as well as washing our hands with soap, throughout the day. Limiting any touch to our face and to unnecessary surfaces and objects. 

  • Limit and be careful with my personal belongings. We agree to refrain from bringing my backpack to PV programming, and instead, to reduce my baggage to a small draw-string bag or purse. We agree to bring only necessary items to PV programming and will keep items like my phone, wallet, and keys either on me, or in my designated area. I understand that all materials provided by PV will remain at PV when we return home. We are responsible for notifying PV staff if we need to bring any PV materials home. 

  • Refrain from bringing our own food and drink to PV. We understand that PV will provide individually packaged snacks or meals during programming that we will not share with others. 

  • Exercise flexibility and understanding if programming must shift in format, or be canceled,  due to COVID-19 related issues.

  • Hold ourselves and my peers accountable for following these COVID19-specific guidelines. We understand that all participants AND staff are bound by these guidelines and that it is our responsibility as a community members to uphold these expectations and report any breaches of the agreement by us or our peers. We will let a staff member know if we see anyone violating the health and safety guidelines.